Container management
Automatically build and and deploy containers, with Docker or Podman.
GitOps Workflow
Blue-green (staged) deployments, versioning and preview environments with no infra to manage.
Hypermedia web apps
Fast and lightweight backend driven apps, minimal frontend complexity.
No build step
Backend and frontend development with no build artifacts to manage, deploy directly from the source repo.
Lazy App Initialization
Apps are initialized lazily, on demand: scale down to zero automatically.
Cross-platform support
Clace runs on Linux, Windows and OSX, works with Docker and Podman
Auto TLS Certificates
Automatically generate TLS certificates, for multiple domains
OAuth authentication
Add OAuth2 or OIDC based authentication to any app
Domain based and path based routing
Install apps at a domain, subdomain or at path level
Preview Apps
Create preview apps from CI, allowing for changes to be reviewed before merge
Blue-green Deployment
Staged deployment, for code changes and for config changes
Security Sandbox
Apps using Starlark based micro-framework use sandboxing for security