Store Plugin

Store Plugin

The plugin provides a document store interface to work with SQLite tables (PostgreSQL support is coming soon). The goal for the store plugin is to support a full managed interface, creating the app automatically creates the tables required for the app.


The plugins automatically creates tables with the specified schema. The tables are created on first load unless they are already present. The tables are linked to the app. The tables use a document store interface. The data is stored as JSON(B) data types. To query the data, a structured interface is used similar to the one provided by MongoDB. The advantage of this approach is that SQL injection is not possible, even if the application code is incorrectly written.

Schema Definition

The schema for the app is specified in the file in the root directory of the app code. The format of this file is like:
         field("url", STRING),
         field("tags", LIST),
         index(["url"], unique=True)

         field("tag", STRING),
         field("urls", LIST),
         index(["tag"], unique=True)

Multiple types can be specified. Each type has a name, list of fields and list of indexes. Each field has a name and a type, the valid types are INT, STRING, BOOLEAN, LIST and DICT.

Each type maps to one table in the underlying database. Indexes can be created on the fields. Each index is specified as list of field names. Adding :desc to the field name changes the index to be sorted descending instead of default ascending. Setting unique property to True makes it an unique index.

Schema Design

SQL tables are used as underlying storage, but joins are not supported by the interface. The schema design to use would be same as schema used for a document database. Since LIST and DICT data types are supported, de-normalized schema is recommended instead of normalized schema.

Store Types

The type information is read from the schema file and schema types are automatically created for the app. The doc namespace has type objects for each type. For the previous example, the two types created are doc.bookmark and doc.tag. The table namespace also has entry populated which reference the table names for the type. For the previous example, the two table names available are table.bookmark and table.tag. This allows creating objects and persisting them using the store API by doing:
bookmark = doc.bookmark(
    url="", tags=["webapps", "tools"])
ret = store.insert(table.bookmark, bookmark)

Store APIs

The API’s in the plugin and their arguments and response are:

APITypeArgsResponse ValueNotes
beginRead--Begin a new transaction
commitWrite--Commit active transaction
rollbackRead--Rollback active transaction
select_by_idReadtable: string
id : int
docSelect one record by id
selectReadtable: string
filter : dict
sort : list string
offset : int
limit : int (default 10,000)
doc iteratorSelect by filter
select_oneReadtable: string
filter : dict
docSelect one by filter
countReadtable: string
filter : dict
intCount entries by filter
insertWritetable: string
entry : doc
id : intInsert a document
updateWritetable: string
entry : doc
count : intUpdate a document
delete_by_idWritetable: string
id : int
count : intDelete one document by id
deleteWritetable: string
filter : dict
count : intDelete multiple docs by filter


The transaction handling APIs begin, commit and rollback take no arguments. All the other APIs take the table name as the first argument. The transaction created by the begin is saved in a thread local, there is no need to pass the transaction manually to subsequent API calls. The transaction rollback is automatically done at the end of the API handler if commit is not done explicitly.

Automatic Fields

All tables have some fields added automatically. These are:

_idintPrimary key
_versionintSchema version
_created_bystringUser id
_updated_bystringUser id

These fields can be accessed like regular user defined field in the store APIs. So bookmark._id can be used the way bookmark.url is used in all the APIs.


The select API returns a document iterator. Use a regular python for loop to iterate on the entries. For example,
ret =, {}, limit=100,
if ret.error:
    return ace.response({"error": ret.error}, "error")

bookmarks = []
for row in ret.value:

Iterating till the end of the loop automatically closes the iterator. Returning from a handler without closing an iterator will cause the handler to fail. The iterator is automatically closed by the Clace platform to prevent a resource leak. The API failure is used to indicate to the developer that the code needs to be fixed to explicitly close the iterator.

Note: The iterator cannot be directly returned from the handler. A list needs to be created and populated if the entries need to be passed to the template.

Select Limits and Sort

For the select API, a limit of 10,000 is set as the default limit value. The API can pass a different limit value if required. The maximum value allowed for the limit is 100,000. Passing a limit beyond that will result in an API failure.

The sort argument can be used to sort the result for the select API. The argument is a list of strings. For example, ["age", "city"] is sorted on age and city ascending. ["age", "city:desc"] is sorted on age ascending and city descending.


The select, select_one, count and delete APIs take a filter parameter. The filter has to be specified as a dict. The format of the filter is similar to the format used by MongoDB. The advantage of this over a SQL expression is that there is no possibility of SQL injection, even with an improperly written application.

The filter is specified as a list diction, the keys are the names of the field to apply the condition on. The value can be a value, in which case it is treated as a equality match. If the value is an diction, then the it is treated as a expression to apply on the specified field.

For example, a filter {"age": 30} is equivalent to sql where clause age = ? with the parameter bound to 30. Filter {"age": 30, "city": "New York", "state": "California"} is same as sql age = ? AND city = ? AND state = ?, with the appropriate bindings. To express an or condition, do filter as {"age": 30, "$or": [{"city": "New York"}, {"state": "California"}]}. That translates to age = ? AND ( city = ? OR state = ? )

To express an inequality condition, do {"age": {"$gt": 30}} which becomes age > ?.

The logical operators supported are $AND and $OR, case insensitive.

The filter operators supported (case insensitive) are

$EQ=Default when value is not a dict
$LIKElikeValue has to be passed with % added,
it is not added automatically. For example "%test%"