Plugin Catalog

Plugin Catalog

The page lists the available plugins and their API details.

Database Storage

The plugin supports a document store interface for writing data to SQLite. See store for details.

Container Config

The plugin supports configuring for using a container for deploying backend APIs. See container for details.

Proxy Config

The plugin supports proxying API calls to deploying backend APIs. See proxy for details.

HTTP Plugin


The plugin supports making HTTP API calls. The APIs available are:

getReadHTTP Get request
headReadHTTP Head request
optionsReadHTTP Options request
postWriteHTTP Post request
putWriteHTTP Put request
deleteWriteHTTP Delete request
patchWriteHTTP Patch request

All the API’s support the following parameters:

  • url (string, required) : the url to send the request to
  • params (dict, optional) : url params to send
  • headers (dict, optional) : HTTP headers to send
  • body (string, optional) : body to send
  • form_body (dict, optional) : form body to send
  • form_encoding (string, optional) : the form encoding to use, application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) or multipart/form-data
  • json_body (object, optional) : the object to send as json encoded body
  • auth_basic (tuple(string, string), optional): HTTP basic auth username and password

The response for all API’s (value within plugin_response) contains following properties:

  • url (string): the url the response is for
  • status_code (int): the HTTP status code
  • headers (dict): the output headers
  • encoding (string): the transfer encoding header
  • body() (string) : the response body as a string
  • json() (object) : the response body un-marshalled as a json

If the API calls fails to go through then the plugin response error property will be set. If the API goes through, then the response error will not be set, even if API call fails with an HTTP error. The status_code will indicate whether the API succeeded on the server. To handle all possible error conditions, do (change to handle all 2xx codes if required)
ret = http.get("http://localhost:9999/test")
if ret.error or ret.value.status_code != 200:
    return # error handling

val = ret.value.json()
# success handling

Exec Plugin


The plugin allows running external commands, starting a new process for the specified command. The APIs available are:

runRead/WriteRuns the command as a new process

The API supports the following parameters:

  • path (string, required) : the command to run
  • args (list of strings, optional) : arguments to pass to the cmd
  • env (list of strings, optional) : the env to pass to the cmd, in the form key=value
  • process_partial (bool, optional) : whether to process the output when there is a failure
  • stdout_file (bool, optional) : whether to send the stdout for the process to a temporary file on disk

The default response (when stdout_file is False) for the exec API (value within plugin_response) is of type list of strings. The stdout is scanned and split on newlines. The list of lines is returned. For example
   ret ="ls", ["-l", "/"], process_partial=True)
   if ret.error:
       return {"Error": ret.error}

   for line in ret.value:
       # Process lines
Note: Only first 100MB of the command stdout output is scanned currently, the rest is discarded.

If stdout_file is True, then the plugin output value is the name for the temp file to which the output was written. There is no size limit on this file output. The user is responsible for deleting this file.

FS Plugin

The allows working with local file system. The APIs available are

absReadReturns the absolute path for given relative path
listReadList files in specified directory
findReadFind files under specified directory matching criteria
serve_tmp_fileReadLoad file metadata to the Clace database and make available through API


The abs API supports the following parameter:

  • path (string, required) : the file path

The response for the API (value within plugin_response) is of type string, the absolute path for given path.


The list API supports the following parameters:

  • path (string, required) : the directory path
  • recursive_size (bool, optional, default false) : whether to include the recursive size of sub-directories
  • ignore_errors (bool, optional, default false) : whether to ignore errors when accessing entries

The response for the API is a list of type FileInfo. The FileInfo struct contains the fields:

  • name (string) : the file name
  • size (int) : the file size in bytes, rounded up to 4K
  • is_dir (bool) : is it a directory
  • mode (int) : file mode info


The find API supports the following parameters:

  • path (string, required) : the directory path
  • name (string, optional) : the file name glob pattern to match
  • limit (int, optional, default 10K, max 100K) : the limit on number of entries to return
  • min_size (int, optional) : the minimum file size in bytes to look for
  • ignore_errors (bool, optional, default false) : whether to ignore errors when accessing entries

The response for the find API is a list of type FileInfo, same as returned by list.


The serve_tmp_file API supports the following parameters:

  • path (string, required) : the file path to serve
  • name (string, optional, default basename of path) : the file name to use (when serving the API)
  • visibility (string, optional, default fs.USER) : the API access level for the file (fs.USER or fs.APP)
  • mime_type (string, optional, default application/octet-stream) : the mime type to use when serving the file
  • expiry_minutes (int, optional, default 60 minutes) : how long to keep the file metadata, set to zero for no deletion
  • single_access (bool, optional, default True) : whether to serve the file just once and then automatically delete it

The response for the serve_tmp_file API is a dict with the fields:

  • id (string) : the id of the metadata entry
  • url (string) : the url path (without domain) for downloading the file
  • name (string) : the file name

The serve_tmp_file API creates a metadata entry in the Clace database. The file can be served through an API using this entry. The default behavior is the file is accessible only to the user who created it. First download of the file will serve the file and automatically deletes the file. The file is deleted after 60 minutes in case there is no API access before that. Deleting the metadata entry removes the database entry and also deletes the file from disk. If the file should not be deleted, do:

ret = fs.serve_tmp_file("/tmp/myfile", single_access=False, expiry_minutes=0)

See number_lines app code:demo for an example of using this API. Setting visibility to fs.APP will make the API available to anyone who has access to the app.