Container Overview

Container Overview

Clace builds the image and manages the container lifecycle for containerized apps. Clace fetches the source code, creates the image, starts the container, does health checks on the container and stops the container when idle. Appspecs allow existing source code to be used with Clace with no code changes required.

App Specs

Clace app specs are defined at Most specs use containers, the proxy spec is an exception.

The image spec specifies the image to use. for example

clace app create --spec image --approve --param image=nginx \
  --param port=80 - nginxapp.localhost:/

downloads the nginx image, starts it and proxies any request to https://nginxapp.localhost:25223 to the nginx container’s port 80. The container is started on the first API call, and it is stopped automatically when there are no API calls for 180 seconds.

For all other specs, the Containerfile is defined in the spec. For example, for the python-streamlit spec, the Containerfile is here. Running

clace app create --spec python-streamlit --branch master \
  --approve /streamlit_app

will create an app at https://localhost:25223/streamlit_app. On the first API call to the app, the image is built from the defined spec and the container is started. The python-gradio spec does the same for gradio apps.

App Specs Listing

The specs defined currently are:

Spec NameRequired ParamsOptional ParamsSupports Path RoutingNotesExample
  • port : The port number within container, optional if EXPOSE directive is present
Depends on appRequires app code to have a Containerfile/Dockerfile
  • image: The image to use for the container
  • port : The port number within container
Depends on appNo source url required when creating app, use - as urlclace app create --spec image --approve --param image=nginx --param port=80 - nginxapp.localhost:/
  • url: The url to which requests should be proxied
NoNo source url required when creating app, use - as urlclace app create --spec proxy --approve -param url= - proxyapp.localhost:/
  • APP_MODULE: The module:app for the WSGI app. Defaults to app:app, meaning app in
Depends on appRuns Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) apps using gunicorn
  • APP_MODULE: The module:app for the ASGI app. Defaults to app:app, meaning app in
Depends on appRuns Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) apps using uvicorn
  • port : The port number within container. If EXPOSE directive is present, that is used. Defaults to 5000
Depends on appRuns app using flask dev server
  • app_file : The file name of the streamlit app to run. Default
Yesclace app create --spec python-streamlit --branch master --approve /streamlit_app
  • app_file : The file name of the streamlit app to run. Default
YesInstalls packages using poetry
  • APP_MODULE: The module:app for the ASGI app. Defaults to app:app, meaning app in
Depends on appRuns app using uvicornclace app create --approve --spec python-fasthtml --param APP_MODULE=basic_ws:app fasthtmlapp.localhost:/
  • app_file : The file name of the gradio app to run. Default
Yesclace app create --spec python-gradio --approve /gradio_app
  • port : The port number within container
  • MAIN_PACKAGE : The go module to build, default “.”. Pass as a --carg instead of --param.
  • APP_ARGS : Args to pass to the app
Depends on appCGO is disabled; go.mod has to be present; app should bind to app create --approve --spec go --param port=8080 --param APP_ARGS="-addr" --branch master /goapp

App Environment Params

For containerized apps, all params specified for the app (including ones specified in spec) are passed to the container at runtime as environment parameters. CL_APP_PATH is a special param passed to the container with the app installation path (without the domain name). PORT is also set with the value of the port number the app is expected to bind to within the container.

For example, the command

clace app create --approve --spec python-fasthtml \
  --param APP_MODULE=basic_ws:app \ fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

creates a FastHTML based app. The APP_MODULE env param is passed to the Container and passed to the startup command line in the Containerfile.

To update params, run

clace param update APP_MODULE basic_app:app fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

Param updates are staged, they can be promoted after verification. To delete a param, pass - as the value to the update. Use clace param list to view app params.

Params can be set to secrets, by setting the value as {{secret "vault_prod" "MY_KEY_NAME"}}. The secret is resolved when the container is started and the value is passed to the container in its env.

Note: Staged param updates are a powerful mechanism to ensure that config changes do not break your apps. For example, if BUCKET_NAME is a param pointing to a S3 bucket, the param change can be staged. The staging app can be tested to ensure that the new bucket is functional and there are no IAM/key related errors. Once the staging app is working, the app can be promoted. Code changes are easy to test, but config changes can cause env specific errors. Configuration related issues are a common cause of outages during deployment. Clace enables you to avoid such errors.

Container Build Args

If the Containerfile has an argument, the arg can be passed during the app create. Most python specs have the python version as an argument, For example, sets


To change this during app creation, pass --carg PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.1. For example,

clace app create --approve --spec python-fasthtml \
  --param APP_MODULE=basic_ws:app \
  --carg PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.1 \ fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

To update args, run

clace app update-metadata carg PYTHON_VERSION=3.11.2 fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

Like all metadata updates, arg updates are staged. Pass --promote to promote immediately or run app promote to promote from stage to prod.

Note: The slim images are smaller, but they lack some debugging tools. The regular image can be used during development.

Container Options

To set CPU and memory limits and other options for the container, pass --copt optkey[=optvalue] to the app create command. For example, --copt cpu-shares=1000

clace app create --approve --spec python-fasthtml \
  --param APP_MODULE=basic_ws:app \
  --copt cpu-shares=1000 \ fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

sets the CPU shares for the container to 1000.

To update container options, run

clace app update-metadata copt cpu-shares=500 fasthtmlapp.localhost:/

Like all metadata updates, option updates are staged. Pass --promote to promote immediately or run app promote to promote from stage to prod.

Note: By default there are no limits set for the containers. That allows for full utilization of system resources. To avoid individual apps from utilizing too much of the system resources, CPU/memory limits can be set.