Container Config

Container Config

The default configuration for the Clace server is defined here. The container related config settings are


# Health check Config
container.health_url = "/"
container.health_attempts_after_startup = 30
container.health_timeout_secs = 5

# Idle Shutdown Config
container.idle_shutdown_secs = 180
container.idle_shutdown_dev_apps = false

# Status check Config
container.status_check_interval_secs = 5
container.status_health_attempts = 3

A health check is done on the container after container is started. If the health check fails 30 times, the container is assumed to be down.

In the running state, a status check is done on the app every five seconds. If three of those checks fail, then the container is assumed to be down.

If an app does not receive any API request for 180 seconds, the app is assumed to be idle and the container is stopped. The idle shutdown does not apply for dev apps, only for prod mode apps.

Changing Config

The clace.toml can be updated to have a different value for any of the properties. After the server restart, the config change will apply for all apps.

To apply the config at the app level, the app metadata can be updated. For example the command

clace app update-metadata conf --promote container.idle_shutdown_secs=600 /myapp

changes the idle timeout for the /myapp app to 600 secs. Without the --promote option, the change will be staged and can be verified on the staging app. App metadata level setting take precedence over the defaults in the clace.toml. Using all as the app name will apply the change for all current apps (but not for any new apps created later).


The default for the container command to use is

container_command = "auto"

auto means that Clace will look for podman in the path. If found, it will use that. Else it will use docker as the container manager command. If the value for container_command is set to any other value, that will be used as the command to use.

Orbstack implements the Docker CLI interface, so Orbstack also works fine with Clace.