Secrets Management

Secrets Management

Clace supports secret management when working with apps. Secrets can be passed to containerized apps through the environment params. Secrets can also be passed to any plugin as argument. For OAuth config, the client secrets can be configured as secret in the config file.

Supported Providers

Clace currently supports AWS Secrets Manager (ASM) and HashiCorp Vault as providers for secrets management. Secrets can also be read from the environment of the Clace server, which can be used in development and testing.

AWS Secrets Manager

To enable ASM, add one or more entries in the clace.toml config. The config name should be asm or should start with asm_. For example


profile = "myaccount"

creates two ASM configs. asm uses the default profile and asm_prod uses the myaccount profile. The default config is read from the home directory ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials as documented in AWS docs. The user id under which the Clace server was started is looked up for the aws config file.

To access a secret in app parameters from asm_prod config, use --param MYPARAM='{{secret "asm_prod" "MY_SECRET_KEY"}}' as the param value.

HashiCorp Vault

To enable Vault secret provider, add one or more entries in the clace.toml config. The config name should be vault or should start with vault_. For example

address = ""
token = "abc"

address = ""
token = "def"

creates two Vault configs. The address and token properties are required.

Environment Secrets

Adding a secret provider with the name env or starting with env_, like


enables looking up the Clace server environment for secrets. This can be accessed like --param MYPARAM='{{secret "env" "MY_SECRET_KEY"}}'. No properties are required in the env provider config. The value of MY_SECRET_KEY in the Clace server env wil be passed as the param.

Properties Secrets

Secrets can be read from a properties file. The config name should be prop or should start with prop_. To use this, add

file_name = "/etc/"

file_name is a required property.

Secrets Usage

Secrets can be accessed using the syntax {{secret "PROVIDER_NAME" "KEY_NAME"}}. The three contexts in which secrets can be accessed are:

Secrets are always resolved late. The Starlark code does not get access to the plain text secrets. The secret lookup happens when the call to the plugin API is done. In case of params, the lookup happens when the param is passed to the container.

For git_auth config, an example secret usage is

key = ""
secret = '{{secret "PROVIDER_NAME" "GOOGLE_OAUTH_SECRET"}}'
hosted_domain = ""

Plugin Access to Secrets

For secrets which are passed to plugins, through app params or plugin arguments, the plugin needs to be authorized to access the secret. The permissions for each plugin are defined in the app definition. For example:
app ="test",
              routes = [ace.api("/", type="TEXT")],
              permissions = [
                ace.permission("", "run", ["ls"], secrets=[["c1", "c2"], ["TESTENV"]]),

The secrets accessible are specified as a list of list of strings. In this case, the {{secret "PROVIDER_NAME" "c1" "c2"}} and {{secret "PROVIDER_NAME" "TESTENV"}} calls are allowed. Additional keys are also permitted.

If the key is specified as a string starting with regex:, then the subsequent part is s regex which is matched against the specified value. For example, ace.permission("", "run", ["ls"], secrets=[["regex:TEST_.*"]), allows accessing any secret starting with TEST_.

Multiple Keys

If the KEY_NAME is a single string, it is passed as is to the provider. If multiple keys are specified, they are concatenated and passed to the provider. For example, {{secret "env" "ABC" "DEF"}} will get converted to a env lookup for ABC_DEF. The delimiter used depends on the provider. The defaults are:

  • ASM and Vault : /
  • Env : _
  • Properties: .

The formatter used to concatenate the keys can be customized by setting the keys_printf property. For example,

file_name = "/etc/"
keys_printf = "%s-%s.%s"

combines {{secret "prop" "ABC" "DEF" "XYZ"}} as ABC-DEF.XYZ. This allows the app to work with multiple secret providers without requiring code changes in the app.

Default Provider

If the provider name is passed as default or set to empty, a default provider is used. The default provider can be configured in the clace.toml as

security.default_secrets_provider = "env"

The env provider is used by default if it is enabled in the config. The default can be changed per app by setting

clace app update-metadata conf --promote 'security.default_secrets_provider="prop_myfile"' /myapp