App Authentication

App Authentication

By default, apps are created with the system authentication type. The system auth uses admin as the username. The password is displayed on the screen during the initial setup of the Clace server config.

Apps can also be changed to have no authentication, making them publicly accessible. To change app to be un-authenticated, add --auth none to the app create command. After an app is created, the auth type can be changed by running app update-settings auth none /myapp.

Default Authentication Type

Any app when created uses the default auth type configured for the server. system is the default. To change this, add

app_default_auth_type = "github_prod"

assuming there is a github_prod oauth config.

Any new app created will use this as the auth unless overridden in the app create call or using app update.

Client Cert Authentication (mTLS)

Apps can be updated to use mutual TLS authentication. To enable this, add a client_auth config entry in server config with the CA certificate to verify against. Multiple entries can be added, the entry name should be cert or should start with cert_. For example



defines two client_auth configs: cert_test1 using ca1.crt and cert_test2 using ca2.crt. Apps can be updated to use this auth config by running app update-settings auth cert_test1 /myapp or app update-settings auth cert_test2 /myapp.

Any API call to the app has to pass the client certificates. Using curl, the call would look like:

curl -k --cert client.crt --key client.key https://localhost:25223/myapp

If the client cert has been signed with the root CA defined in /data/certs/ca1.crt, the API call will succeed. Otherwise it fails. HTTP requests are not allowed when client cert authentication is used.

OAuth Authentication

OAuth based authentication is supported for the following providers:

  • github
  • google
  • digitalocean
  • bitbucket
  • amazon
  • azuread
  • microsoftonline
  • gitlab
  • auth0
  • okta
  • oidc

The configuration format for each is

key = "abcdefgh"
secret = "mysecret"

Here, the auth config entry name is github_test. The entry name can be one of the supported providers, or a supported provider name followed by a _ and a qualifier. The provider name is case sensitive. So github, google, github_prod, google_my_org etc are valid config names. github-test and my_org_google are not valid.

The server clace.toml can have multiple auth configs defined. One of them can be set to be the default using app_default_auth_type config. Apps can be configured to use one of system or none or a valid auth config name as the auth. For example, app 1 can use system and app 2 can use github_test.

Callback Url

To enable any Oauth provider, the callback url domain has to be specified in the server config. Add

callback_url = "https://localhost:25223"

in the clace.toml. In the OAuth account, for an entry github_test, the callback url to use will be https://localhost:25223/_clace/auth/github_test/callback.

The format for the callback url to use is <CALLBACK_URL>/_clace/auth/<PROVIDER_ENTRY_NAME>/callback. OAuth applications are strict, the callback url has to exactly match this format.

OAuth Config Details

The config details depend on the provider type. The key is generally the Client Id and the secret is the Client Secret. For some providers, additional config config entries are supported. These are:

  • google: The google provider supports a hosted_domain option. This is the domain name to verify on the user being logged in. For example, this can be set to
  • okta: The Okta provider supports the org_url config, the tenant url to verify.
  • auth0: The Auth0 provider supports the domain config.
  • oidc: OIDC supports the discovery_url config property.

For all the providers, an optional scopes property is also supported. This is the list of scopes to configure for the OAuth account.

The first time a new provider is added, it is important to manually verify an app, to verify if the required authentication restrictions are in place. For example, with google, any valid google user can login, including accounts. The hosted_domain config has to be used to restrict this.

The OAuth integration internally uses the goth library, see examples for a sample implementation.